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Create a Player ProfileHow can 3" Change a Recruiting Class? Taylor Stanley Boosts Jayhawks Up 2026 Polls by going Silver
Team Rankings are the only rankings we really look at her and with us they are constantly changing. While most of the volleyball world was focused on Penn State hoisting the NCAA Title, a Kansas native was helping her future program shoot up our National Recruiting Rankings and she didn't even know it. Taylor Stanley had just finished an impressed week at NTPD training in Louisville, KY. She had also submitted an Athlete Update for her Player Profile on VBAdrenaline.com in which she noted a 3" growth and some impressive prep notes from her last 5 months of her volleyball career. The height increase bumped Taylor to a 9.9 TOP score in height

and also was a factor in bumping her overall PPV up to a 220 overall. Impressive, but we update nearly 50 athletes p/week so why a feature article? The update led to a chain of events that gave the Jayhawk class their first SILVER LEVEL Prospect in the 2026 Signing Class, it also helped bumped their overall Class Avg. to 165. This moved the Jayhawks ahead of SMU and in a tie with Georgia Tech's 2026 Class, plus it inched the Jayhawks closer to B1G Oregon for # overall.

Now this is one example of one athlete on one day, but it is a great example of the entertainment that can be there for following recruiting on our site for fans of college programs and recruiting in general. Also, it is competive and ever moving as we will have a much larger Class of 2026 update coming (around New Years) where we do a more thorough update of more PPV scores of the PPVs 300-150 in the class for sure.
We also continue to educate to PARENTS and ATHLETES that the PPVs will move UP and DOWN and that is OK! Just like stats move that way in your career you have eb and flow. **You may have been inaccurately evaluated initially or we may not have accurately evaluated the class accurately a year ago and are getting more accurate as we get more input from our Pro Scouts in Year 2.
Remember PPVs are scores that will follow athletes now into college and through their careers at the NCAA levels so there will definitely be dips and hopefully gains, but the input from all of these comes from either
- Updated (and then verified Player Profile Forms) and/or 2. Notes/Evals from Professional Evaluation Staff that give us input because they do these things for a living.
For now congrats to Taylor Stanley and the Jayhawks Class of 2026 on the GROWTH for each of them and thanks to everyone who follows our rankings!!