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Create a Player ProfileThe Prospect Report: NTDP California
Finally Notes From the Summer NTD
Notes and comments from the staff at the most recent NTDP session in California. Most of the focus was on the young pups group and it was mentioned (twice) that they didn’t act like the “young pups acted just a few years ago” noting that the ability level and athleticism of the high end of the sport continue to elevate.
A couple of the top stars were the young stars at their spots.
Cala Haffner 2028 Libero plays for Team Pineapple “was the best in the gym” Her passing was on-point the entire week. Impressive for her age for sure.”
Megan Hodges another 2028 is a beast at MB. “She was a woman amongst girls. Though she talked with us about the desire to play OPP, in the future, and she has a great point. Amazing arm and swing that you may not want to waste in the middle at 6’5” she was the best middle we had.
Tatum Kelly 2028 Setter from New Wave in Indiana had a great week as well. We have talked about Tatum during her long Summer travels to multiple Select camps. She made an impact at NTDP also. “Tatum was so technically sound. You can tell she is so well trained and didn’t get rattled at all. Just very impressed at how well she played all week for her first NTDP. Very good setter.”
Now to some more talk on 2027s
Marlee Steiner MB from STL High Performance “Thought she was long and effective. She is a kid that I think you look at with a big future ceiling and will figure it out each year a little more. She developed a strong connection with her setters instantly.”
Kyla Williams MB AVC Cleveland was physically and really played with confidence. Connected well with setters and she is another one who will really take off when she gets it.
Interesting thoughts when breaking down some of the best in the class:
Olivia Henry OH Metro NYC “I think it’s obvious how athletic and her height. She is in the same spot a couple of others are in this class…..just how hungry is she all the time? Does she have that drive to be the best on the court all the time? I think that is what coaches will need to figure out before next Spring when they make offers.”
Shaye Witherspoon OH Rockwood Thunder “Everyone knows what Shaye can do (including Shaye) I think it’s almost like she needs to get challenged or ticked off to play her best and then she is amazing. To be the true #1 I’d love to see her be able to do that every time she steps on the court on her own.”
“There is no question to her physicality and her strength this is a college-ready athlete today.”
Ireland Read WAVE OH Stop me if you have a comment about like this about Ireland before…….”I read your articles about her, but first time seeing her up close for an extended period of time. Ireland Real is the most positive player I have ever seen. Not only was she pumping up her teammates, but she was also pumping up the girls on the other side of the net right up until the serve and then would still go and do basically whatever she wanted during drills.”
How good is she “Think you have it nailed with her height and the way her athleticism is evolving, now you just mix in what she does leadership and attitude-wise. How is she not in the mix for Top Overall OH?”
Ava Burgess OH Club V Volleyball “You mark this down Ava is going to figure it out sooner rather than later and watch out for whoever lands her. She is coachable and is right there with everything she is being taught. Has a few things that the timing, right now, is just a little off, but when she gets it her game will explode.”
Reagan Walraff OH Nebraksa ONE “This kid impressed us. She uses her body so well and she has that whippy arm so she hit it high and hard. She was the most coachable girl in our gym and did the best job of scoring balls to deep corners as we talked about. Kids like her you can win within your program”
Two Opposites stood out and one of them was quite a surprise to us:
Caroline Ward OPP Boiler Jrs who we have loved since day 1 “She battled for top opposite for sure. Caroline needs to have her athleticism utilized more. She is so much more athletic than I think most people realize and can do so much more than she does. She can be moved all over the place and make plays everywhere in an offense. She did a little bit of everything. Also, may be the most mature and best info processor of anyone in this group.
Nejari Crooks OPP/Setter Triad Elite “Nejari battled Caroline for top opposite during the week. She did so many good things with her athleticism and her arm swing. Impressed with what she did.”